Kiosks and Interactive Technology
Eighth edition updated and published in July 2010. This is our flagship report and is the most comprehensive publication ever produced on the kiosk industry. This more than 800-page report includes the current and future direction of the industry, 53 charts and tables (including revenue and installed base projections) and profiles of nearly 700 companies representing 43 countries. This is the must-have report for those who are (or who plan to be) players in this fast-growing industry.
Kiosk Industry Directory
The Kiosk Industry Directory (KID) is the most extensive listing of companies engaged in the kiosk industry ever published. Completely updated in April 2010. Nearly 700 companies, headquartered in 43 countries, are represented. The KID comes in two parts: the written report containing extensive Company Profiles, plus an Excel spreadsheet, allowing purchasers to sort the data to meet their own specific needs.
Kiosks and Interactive Technology Global Statistics and Trends
Streamlined version of our flagship report. Updated and published in July 2010, it was created in response to customers who were very interested in self-service industry data (the trends and statistics) but not in the Company Profiles. The report includes the current and future direction of the industry along with 53 charts and tables, including revenue and installed base projections. This report is required reading for those who are already (or plan to be) players in this exciting and dynamic industry.
Interactive Kiosks: Best Practices 2008 Edition
Our new completely updated version was published in 2008. This popular report can be summed up very simply: if you think all you have to do to set up a kiosk is to take an existing Website and put it on a kiosk, think again! This completely updated report, through the use of color screen shots, points out effective techniques as well as common mistakes that must be avoided in order to produce a successful Interactive kiosk. |
